Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday Morning Journey

This morning we made a slow journey down the road through the market. Market day outside of Ho is every five days. You can see it was a "mob" scene, so busy with people selling and buying. This was after our early morning introduction to the new admininstration of the EP Church. We will be present for the installation of the new officers on January 11.


  1. Caron forwarded me Traci's e-mail and this blog so I am following your journey with interest. Thinking about you this a.m. with affection, as I listen to the familiar sounds in the halls, Christopher getting ready for chapel, Profs. Bracke & Krause teaching their respective ancient languages with enthusiasm. What a great start your trip has had. Your spirits and minds being so nourished and stimulated, tend to your bodies! (She said maternally.)
    Blessings to you all.
    Martha Robertson

  2. Greetings and Blessings to each of you:
    I am checking this blog daily. I so wish I was there, but it didn't turn out like that. This journey through pics is inspiring. Continue to do the work for the global church. I know that each of you will transform others and be transformed.
    Cassandra G.
